Core Fluency Pilates is a proud supporter of Tip It Forward, an organization that provides holistic health care to individuals that have limited or no access through integrated workshops and mobile clinics. Their work is to deliver treatment and to build bridges of understanding between individualized care and the impact our health has on one another. Their goal is to make a positive contribution to the treatment of chronic and acute health conditions and to offer alternatives for reducing pain, integrating holistic care and preventive health screenings.
Core Fluency Pilates’ commitment fits perfectly with the mission of Tip It Forward — both yearn to bring back our personal vitality! CFP was founded upon the belief that taking the time to (re)learn healthful movement, including breathing and alignment, is an essential arm of the mechanics of health. Lack of access to vital components like a nutritious diet, proper sleep, clean environment, play, and access to early and proper healthcare coupled with living in a body managed by doctors, pharmaceuticals, the new fad diet, fatigue, and stress, can leave us increasingly de-conditioned and disconnected. We strive to make movement education accessible to all, regardless of neighborhood, job schedule, language barrier, or ability to pay.
Thursday is a great chance for us to support our sister organization and get their mobile service van up and running. After two years of refurbishing a school bus, they are very close to being able to use "The Plus Bus" to reach and provide services to underserved populations in all areas! Participate in the the Give For Good campaign to support this vital transportation tool.
We are sharing some health wealth! Donate $250 to tip it forward and you will receive a private pilates session from CFP (limited to the first 6 donors).